Cuir do ghnó chun tosaigh le fógra Dialann Ghaillimh le Gaeilge
Gaillimh le Gaeilge are busy working on Dialann Ghaillimh le Gaeilge 2019. The Dialann is an A4 week-to-two-pages fully bilingual diary with a beautiful leather-bound cover. This is the only bilingual diary produced in Ireland which we will distribute to Cairde Ghaillimh le Gaeilge [over 270 members], Councillors, the business community and other representatives in Galway. All of the advertisers’ logos will also be printed on the inside cover.
We have a few spaces left and would like to invite you to advertise with us. The prices remain the same as last year.
Price list
Trimmed size of Diary (actual page size) is 208mm wide x 259mm high
- Full page advert is 188mm wide x 239mm high = €500
- Half page advert in Colour is 188mm wide x 116mm high = €300
- Quarter page advert 92mm wide x 116mm high = €200
The closing date for the artwork is Monday the 1st of October 2018. For further information, please contact Gearóidín on 091 568876 or