Translation Services

Gaillimh le Gaeilge provide a translation service in the Cairde Ghaillimh le Gaeilge scheme

Translation Services

Gaillimh le Gaeilge provide a translation service in the Cairde Ghaillimh le Gaeilge scheme.

If you are a Cara Maith or Dlúthchara of Gaillimh le Gaeilge’s you can avail of a free translation service for signage, marketing and printed material, menus etc.
(Documents and CVs may be translated at a surcharge.)
For more information please email – [email protected] 

The accuracy of an Irish translation is extremely important, especially when erecting signs or using Irish in brochures and other printed material. Translation is a specialist skill. Therefore, you will need the services of a competent professional translator.

The fact that a person speaks two or more language does not mean that he or she is a competent translator. You should therefore resist the temptation of asking a non-specialist to take responsibility for any translation work. Errors, such as mis-spellings, on permanent features such as signage, reflect very badly on the organisation or company in question, and can do more damage than good to the reputation of the company regarding the language and the local environment.

Gaillimh le Gaeilge recommends that you forward any bilingual material to [email protected] before final print.

Dictionary / Online Services

Here is a list of useful websites that will assist you using Irish in your business and everyday life.

This is just a sample of the Irish language resources available on the internet. If you require any more information or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us on 091 568876 oe [email protected].