The Placenames’ Committee
The Committee consists of representatives from various organisations, backgrounds and expertise, so that names chosen for new developments in Galway city have a local relevance and fit into the landscape and city environment..
Why have a placenames’ Commitee?
The Placenames’ Committee is an initiative founded in 1992 with Galway City Council as a response to what one former Minister of the Environment referred to as ‘The Tuscany Downs Syndrome’ – new housing estates given names such as ‘Tuscany Downs’, that had no relevance to the location, history or language of the area. The Placenames’ Committee was set up to provide developers with suitable Irish names for new housing developments in the city.
The Approach: Culturally relevant and inclusive
The approach the Committee has adopted is that the names they suggest are in Irish only but simple enough that a non-Irish speaking person can easily pronounce them. New residential developments that have been named by the Committee include Cluainín – Cluneen (Little Meadow), Sáilín – Saw lean (Little Heel), An Logán – An Lug On (Little Hollow) and Luí na Gréine – Lee na Grain Ya (Setting of the Sun). Not only do the names effectively describe the location of the development, but they also contribute towards creating a bilingual environment.
Today 99% of new housing estates in Galway city are named in Irish. Other parts of Ireland are also following Galway’s example by setting up similar committees in their own areas.
Committee Members
Helen Coleman (Cathaoirleach) – Pleanálaí Sinsearach, Comhairle Cathrach na Gaillimhe
An Comhairleoir Dónal Lyons- Comhairle Cathrach na Gaillimh
Dr. Nollaig Ó Muraile – Ollscoil na Gaillimhe
Pat Sweeney – An Post
Matt Cunningham – Bord Soláthair Leictreachais
Tom Costello – Iar-Chomhairleoir – Comhairle Cathrach na Gaillimhe
Mary Flynn – Ionadaí don Phobal i gCoitinn
Dr. Jim Higgins – Oifigeach Oidhreachta, Comhairle Cathrach na Gaillimhe
Dr. Liam Ó hAisibéil – Ollscoil na Gaillimhe
Bríd Ní Chonghóile – Gaillimh le Gaeilge
Origin of Placename
Following is a list of housing estates with Irish names in Galway City.
Barr Taoide
– The site near Galway Bay.
Ceann Boirne
– Ceann Boirne was the name of the house which was knocked to build the apartments on it.
Cairéal Mór
– There was once a Quarry on this site.
– Limeklin is available on this site – Tornóg is the Irish for Limeklin.
Túr an tSáile
– This site is situated beside Loch Ataile Road.
– This site had previously been known as ‘Backgarden’.
More examples
Cúirt Bhreac
– Based on the townland ‘An Gleann Breac’.
Cor Boise
– Coir Boise is situated in Gleann na hAille on the Tuam Road. The placename is based on ‘Bos le hÉadan’. There is still a house in that area called ‘Bos le hÉadan’. Peadar O’Dowd stated that ‘Bos le hÉadan’ was the name of the area once. People had the habit of placing their palm to their face on the first sight of Galway – thanking God that they reached their destination safely.
Gort Léinn
– The site on Monivea Road beside Dún Léinn. The name Gort Léinn refers to the site beside it.
– Sruthán Mhuirlinn is situated beside Béal Srutha and Merlin.
Sliabh Bán
– This site is located in Ballyban.
Loch Lurgan
– Galway Bay was previously known as ‘Lurgan’.
Geata an Eolais
– This site is located across the road from the university.
Croit na Mara
– Situated beside the sea.
City Point/Rinn na Cathrach
– This business Centre is located near the city centre.
Gradam News
Gradam Sheosaimh Uí Ógartaigh 2025 now OSCAILTE for nominations.
Cathaoirleach of Gaillimh le Gaeilge, An tOllamh John Breslin, announced that Gradam Sheosaimh Uí Ógartaigh 2025, is now officially open for nominations. He made the announcement at the annual Lón Nollag Chairde Ghaillimh le Gaeilge which was held on Thursday, 19th...
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Your First Gradam Date
29th January 2019 @12 noon in the Ryan Room of the Connacht Hotel (2018 Gradam winners): Press event to announce our Gradam Sponsors as well as a fantastic array of prizes and benefits for the category winners and overall winner of Gradam Sheosaimh Uí Ógartaigh 2019....